Friday, October 30, 2009

Report Card Time

My little man got A-B honor roll! Although I not sure if it is good thing or not. For the past two years, his teachers REALLY challenged him. He always did well in his subjects, but got C's in handwriting all last year. His teacher said she wanted to push him to be more creative. This year the day Wyatt came home and said "mom, I REALLY like my teacher this year!" I said that's great, what makes you REALLY like her? Wyatt says with a great big grin "cause she don't give homework!" I am kinda happy, but it concerns me....I asked the teacher to make sure. Sure homework. They decided that the children do enough in school and the afternoon is family time. I am all about family time:) She just asks that they read "something (road signs, recipes, or whatever they want to)" He must be learning something at school because he just corrected me while typing this:) Stay tuned.....Brittney and ian get report cards Monday. (Those teachers must have been bribed to wait until AFTER Halloween)


  1. Oh yay, you fixed it! Tell Wyatt congratulations on doing so well. Dallin's teacher this year only requires a little bit of homework too (read a story and study spelling words), which is wonderful. I love that.

  2. I am so proud of lil man! LOL family joke! :) But I got mine and I got one C. But it was super high. It was 2 points away from a b! I still think that I did good! Love, Britt
